Turkiye Sustainable Tourism Program (TR-I) Validation


What is Sustainable Tourism?

“Tourism that addresses the needs of visitors, industry, the environment and host communities and takes full account of current and future economic, social and environmental impacts” UNTWO

Turkey Sustainable Tourism Industry Criteria (TR-I) was established to ensure the sustainable growth of the Turkish tourism sector and to develop a common understanding of Turkish tourism with the participation of all tourism stakeholders. It is the first national program to be accepted by the GSTC. TR-I is a program created in cooperation with all sectors and international organizations under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Turkish Tourism Promotion and Development Agency (TGA), and is equivalent to the GSTC Industry Criteria.

TGA Sustainable Tourism Turkey Program (TR-I) Scope:

Sustainable Tourism Turkey Program (TR-I) belonging to TGA, which was created in conjunction with GSTC Industry Criteria and recognized by GSTC. It has become mandatory in our country as of 01.01.2023 by hotels and accommodation facilities operating in the Tourism Sector. The program consists of four main sections, 42 criteria and 167 indicators, as in the GSTC Criteria. Until the end of 2023, the implementation of the 14 criteria selected by the TGA within the scope of the 1st stage verification in the TR-I program of the Hotels and Accommodation Facilities must be verified by the authorized verification bodies. The application calendar of the other criteria within the scope of TR-I by the hotels and accommodation facilities can be accessed from the link below.

(The link with the calendar foreseen by the TGA until 2030 will be added here)

It determines what should be done to the Sustainable Tourism Turkey Program (TR-I) criteria, but does not specify how it should be done or whether the goals have been achieved. How to comply with the criteria, complementary performance indicators, related training materials and access to implementation tools are the responsibility of implementing organizations. Sustainable Tourism Turkey Program (TR-I) Handbook has been prepared by TGA in order to provide a guide for compliance with these criteria.

The document can be accessed at the link below:


For more information and guidance on these criteria, T.C. It can be accessed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and on TGA websites. Application of all criteria, except for the cases where it is shown with a justification that it is not valid for a particular situation. It is compulsory for the Turkish tourism sector by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Exceptions and other rules, T.C. It is determined by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and shared transparently with the sector stakeholders and the entire public. In addition to being a certification body accredited by the GSTC according to the GSTC Industry Criteria, ROYALCERT is certified by the T.R. It has been authorized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism- TGA as a verification body for the Sustainable Tourism Turkey Program (TR-I).

What is the Scope and Scope of the Sustainable Tourism Turkey Program (TR-I)?

It forms the basis for the Turkish Sustainable Tourism Criteria certification, which is implemented by the tourism industry throughout Turkey.
The criteria serve as basic guidelines for businesses of all sizes to be more sustainable and aim to contribute to the sustainable growth of tourism in Turkey.
The criteria help raise awareness of the Turkish society, visitors, industry and tourism investors on sustainable tourism principles and practices.
The criteria serve as a framework for effective promotion and marketing to recognize sustainable tourism providers.
Contributes to Turkey's fulfillment of its obligations arising from the Paris Climate Agreement and the European Green Agreement within the framework of criteria, sustainable tourism and various environmental labels.
Establishes a basic approach and framework for government, civil society, academia and private sector collaboration to develop sustainable tourism policies, practices and requirements.
Provides basic principles to educational institutions such as universities and tourism schools.
It leads the sector and investors in a way that encourages sustainability practices.
Criteria in the growing world tourism market help to increase Turkey's competitiveness within the framework of sustainable tourism products and provide access to more markets, and provide guidance for both visitors and travel agencies in the selection of businesses that adopt sustainable tourism practices.

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